
Archive for December 15th, 2009

your deal

My mom told me once when I was having a bad day that if everyone held their struggles in life like a poker hand and were told to put their cards in the middle of the pot and select a different hand of cards to play that everyone would more than likely choose to take their own cards again.

I believe that 100 percent. You never know what hand anyone else is dealing with so be kinder than necessary because if given the option to trade, I’m sure you’d hold your cards closer to your chest.

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all a matter of time

Today I woke up feeling rested as opposed to flu-like. Today I felt competent. Today I did my job and felt confident in my decisions and insight. Today I made positive progress. Today I felt like I could actually run a 5K without running out of breath. Today I felt good.

Last week was an entirely different story. Sick, defeated, lost, sluggish were adjectives circling my soul and weighed heavy in my heart.

Time has a funny way of changing things so sneakily and yet so dramatically, the only certain thing in life is that change is happening all around us and that the best thing to do is embrace the times that are in your favor as use your strength to get through the times that prove nearly too much to bear. Yes, this may sound very cliche, but even so I suppose it’s best to take comfort in change because even when it seems that change turns your world upside down, time won’t allow it to remain that way. Enjoy the roller coaster friends, I hope we’re all in for a long ride!

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